ICE Officer seeks Accountability from Union Facing Corruption Allegations

Collins v. AFGE

Sage Collins and his colleagues with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) wanted to clean up their union, the American Federation of Government Employees. They sought an audit of the union’s finances to do so.

What they found was scandalous. Union officials thanked them by kicking out their entire bargaining unit while continuing to take their money.

ICE officers expose AFGE officials’ financial corruption

Sage and his colleagues found evidence that AFGE officials were mishandling members’ money. They decided to file a complaint to hold the national union accountable. Their complaint detailed that union funds had been misspent on strippers, prostitutes, jewelry, and Super Bowl tickets. It described examples of union officials engaging in sexual misconduct and racial discrimination toward employees. And it alleged that union officials had made hush-money payments to hide these scandals.

Sage’s colleagues also recognized AFGE’s political positions as “far-left” and “anti-law enforcement”. They wanted no part of the union’s activism.

Union jettisons whistleblowers but keeps charging dues

In response, AFGE officials petitioned the Federal Labor Relations Authority (FLRA) to “disclaim” Sage’s entire bargaining unit. Essentially, AFGE sought the FLRA’s help to absolve the union of the responsibility of representing the local ICE officers. The labor board granted their request.

But when Sage and his colleagues looked at their next paycheck, they saw that they were still charged union dues, amounting to as much as $80,000 collectively, even after AFGE had abandoned them.

Sage sought the Fairness Center’s help to file an unfair labor practice charge with the FLRA and recover the union dues he and his colleagues should never have been charged.  

Collins v. AFGE is before the Federal Labor Relations Authority.


Sage Collins and his colleagues with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) wanted to clean up their union, the American Federation of Government Employees. They sought an audit of the union’s finances to do so.

What they found was scandalous. Union officials thanked them by kicking out their entire bargaining unit while continuing to take their money.

ICE officers expose AFGE officials’ financial corruption

Sage and his colleagues found evidence that AFGE officials were mishandling members’ money. They decided to file a complaint to hold the national union accountable. Their complaint detailed that union funds had been misspent on strippers, prostitutes, jewelry, and Super Bowl tickets. It described examples of union officials engaging in sexual misconduct and racial discrimination toward employees. And it alleged that union officials had made hush-money payments to hide these scandals.

Sage’s colleagues also recognized AFGE’s political positions as “far-left” and “anti-law enforcement”. They wanted no part of the union’s activism.

Union jettisons whistleblowers but keeps charging dues

In response, AFGE officials petitioned the Federal Labor Relations Authority (FLRA) to “disclaim” Sage’s entire bargaining unit. Essentially, AFGE sought the FLRA’s help to absolve the union of the responsibility of representing the local ICE officers. The labor board granted their request.

But when Sage and his colleagues looked at their next paycheck, they saw that they were still charged union dues, amounting to as much as $80,000 collectively, even after AFGE had abandoned them.

Sage sought the Fairness Center’s help to file an unfair labor practice charge with the FLRA and recover the union dues he and his colleagues should never have been charged.  

Collins v. AFGE is before the Federal Labor Relations Authority.



ICE Employees Say Agency Canceled Their Union but Still Collected Dues

The Washington Times

November 28, 2022: “ICE collected tens of thousands of dollars in union dues from employees even after the agency had helped to kill off the union, according to a new complaint demanding that Uncle Sam pay back the money it took.”

ICE Employees Say Agency Canceled Their Union but Still Collected Dues

The Washington Times

November 28, 2022: “ICE collected tens of thousands of dollars in union dues from employees even after the agency had helped to kill off the union, according to a new complaint demanding that Uncle Sam pay back the money it took.”

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