Gagne v. A&R, Local 4200
The Fairness Center represents Erik Gagne and Barry Wallett, state employees with the Connecticut Department of Consumer Protection’s Liquor Control Division, in their labor board complaint against the Administrative & Residual Employees Union, Local 4200 (“Local 4200”), the Connecticut Police & Fire Union (“CPFU”), and the Liquor Control Division of the Connecticut Department of Consumer Protection (“Department”). Messrs. Gagne and Wallett, Department employees who have decided against joining a union, allege that Local 4200, CPFU, and the Department committed prohibited labor practices.
Since at least December 2018, either Local 4200 or CPFU have posted material on state-provided bulletin boards denigrating those who have chosen not to join a union and discouraging employees from exercising their right not to become or remain a union member. This material refers to nonmembership as “freeloading,” a derogatory term meant to suggest that nonmembers are somehow taking advantage of others. See Freeloading, The Free Dictionary, Identical material was also posted on other union bulletin boards on other floors of the building in which Messrs. Gagne and Wallett work.
Messrs. Gagne and Wallett reported this material to the Department, but the Department declined to assist them in having the materials removed. Accordingly, on July 11, 2019, Messrs. Gagne and Wallett filed charges on prohibited practices with the Connecticut State Board of Labor Relations.
In re Administrative & Residual Employees Union, Local 4200; Connecticut Police & Fire Union; and Connecticut Department of Consumer Protection, Liquor Control Division
This complaint was filed in the State of Connecticut State Board of Labor Relations.
“Derogatory” union bulletin board message sparks state labor relations complaint
November 19, 2019 |
Press Releases